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Thank you to Hastings Nutrition and My Mom’s BBQ for catering lunch for a day and KB Homes for providing a breakfast during our Teacher Appreciation week.

South Woods Elementary PTO Board

President: Lori Kosier


We are currently looking for new PTO Board Members for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please consider joining us! 

Why Join PTO?

The strength of PTO lies in its membership–the parents, teachers, school administrators, business leaders, and community leaders who devote themselves to making a positive difference in the lives of children.  Members are the lifeblood of the PTO and provide the passion, leadership, and hard work needed to fulfill our mission.  Membership is open to everyone who is interested in the health, safety, education, and general welfare of children and youth. 


The purpose of South Woods Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) shall be to encourage and enhance the education of all students, while strengthening and developing the relationships between our parents, school and community.

Want to stay up to date on all things PTO? Like our Facebook page.

 PTO Meeting Schedule

PTO meets the Third Tuesday of every month at 4:00pm in the Media Center following our SAC meeting. 

September     17th 

October        15th 

November     19th

December    10th  

January         21st

February       18th 

April              15th

May              20th

**The December meeting was rescheduled for the 10th due to Winter Wonderland being the following week. 









Pastries with Parents Event