Title I

What Is Title I?
Title I is a federally-funded program designed to ensure that all students, especially those from a lower economic status, receive a fair, equal and significant opportunity to acquire a high-quality education. Title I funds are appropriated annually to supplement schools with the highest percentage of students eligible for free or reduced lunch. All public schools in St. Johns County receiving Title I funds are classified as school-wide Title I schools. This affords all students attending a Title I school the opportunity to participate in and receive all additional academic support supplemented by Title I funds.
Specific Uses of Title I Funding
- Extend learning opportunities for students needing additional academic support;
- Train teachers and paraprofessionals;
- Hire supplemental teachers and paraprofessionals;
- Purchase instructional equipment and intervention materials; and
- Support parent involvement activities.
Individualized Student Interventions
With funding from Title I, students who need additional academic support are provided with a Response to Intervention (RTI) plan to address their specific academic needs. Parents are invited to participate in the creation of the RTI plan and to take an active role in their child’s education.
Title I School Responsibilities
- Establish strategies that provide all students an opportunity to meet the Florida Standards;
- Provide remediation to students experiencing difficulty mastering the Florida standards;
- Develop a school-based Parent Family Engagement Plan jointly with parents;
- Hold an annual Title I meeting/open house for parents;
- Prepare a School-Parent Compact jointly with parents, teachers, and students;
- Offer a needs assessment survey to parents;
- Offer professional development for teachers;
- Follow best practices regarding delivery of instruction;
- Create strategies to increase parent involvement to include authentic parent/teacher conferencing;
- Establish effective transitions from early childhood programs into kindergarten; and
- Include teachers and parents in decision-making processes.
Parent Family Engagement Plan
Parent Family Engagement Plans are created to ensure the meaningful participation of parents in Title I schools, supporting parental involvement activities and improving communication between home and school.